About Department

A brief summary of the architecture departmentThe department's vision: The architecture department aims to preparea distinguished and innovative generation of architects who arescientifically, intellectually, ethically, and technically competent, hav.....

Scientific lecture

Tomorrow at ten in the morning, a lecture entitled (Bologna Path: Challenges and Opportunities in Architectural Engineering Departments) will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Suzan Abdel Hassan in Al-Rafidain Hall in the Architectural Engineering Department.....

First stage workshop

Under the auspices of the Honorable Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. In the name of Obaid Hassan, and the support and presence of head of dept. Prof. Mohammed Qassim Abdulghafoor, the Department of Architecture at Al-Nahrain Universi.....

المواقع الصديقة

كلية المستقبل الجامعة