Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs

The position of dean assistant for the students and scientific affairs is being occupied by Prof. Dr. Nasseer Abbood Issa Al-Habuobi. This position considers as one of the most supporting departments that the deanery depends on since it consists of many vital  sections and units which have a direct contact with students. The office of dean assistant includes the following sections and units:

1- Secretaryship

2- Registration

3- The section of scientific affairs and cultural ties

4- Library

5- Continuing education unit

7- Educational counseling unit  


The dean assistant for student and scientific affairs follows up the sections and units daily. In addition, encourages these sections and units to be committed to the rules and instructions made by the deanery. Moreover, He attempts to solve every obstacle which may face any section or unit and motivates the employees presenting the best of what they have for our students.   

Among many duties and authorities of the dean assistant for the students and scientific affairs are :

1- Organizing the secludes of exams

2- Organizing the secludes of weekly lectures 

3- Observing the weekly lectures register

4- Following up the attendance and absence

5- Supervising the process of acceptance  the new students 

6- Checking up the cases of moving up to and from the college 

7- Supervising the annual statistics

8- Delivering and receiving the examination notebooks according to the applicable rules

9- Announcing the results after being approved