Workshop (Digital drugs and their impact and repercussions on the individual and society) Department Prothesis and Orthosis Engineering

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Done By: Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering

Post Date: 2025-09-03

Last Browse: 2025-03-28

The Department of Prothesis and Orthosis Engineering held an awareness and guidance seminar entitled (Digital drugs, their impact and repercussions on the individual and society) in cooperation with the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit and the Women's Affairs Unit in the college, presented by (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Donia Abdel Saheb and Eng. Enas Abdel Amir Abboud) on Monday, 3/3/2025 at 10 am at Tigris Hall, where the seminar included
The definition of digital drugs and its impact on society and its types or how the family knows that it has a drug addict.
And the damage caused by drug abuse on humans, the most important symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment, how to deal with the addict, ways to prevent this dangerous scourge, and the most affected classes of society by digital drugs
And the impact it has on society and on the individual and others and the need for a person to adhere to the ultimate goal of his existence in life, which is to establish religion and preserve values and morals and stay away from them, addiction to digital drugs is one of the scourges that kill humans and make it a project of destruction of society.