A scientific visit for second-year students to the Department of Mathematics and Computer Applications at the College of Science, Al-Nahrain University

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Done By: Chemical Engineering Department

Post Date: 2025-02-12

Last Browse: 2025-03-31

The Department of Chemical Engineering organized a scientific visit for second-year students to the Department of Mathematics and Computer Applications as part of efforts to enhance the academic and practical knowledge of students and to bridge the gap between theoretical courses and practical applications, in alignment with the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (Quality Education).

The visit included a scientific lecture on differential equations and their applications, where Prof. Dr. Fadhel Sobhi Fadhel and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omar Ismail Khalil provided a detailed explanation on how to solve these equations using Mathcad and MATLAB software. They also clarified fundamental concepts that contribute to the development of students' skills in computational and engineering fields.

It is noteworthy that the Department of Chemical Engineering, through such visits, aims to integrate theoretical and practical aspects to equip students with essential scientific skills that qualify them to serve both the public and private sectors. The following faculty members from the department accompanied the students during the visit:

  1. Assist. Prof. Dr. Usama Akram Said
  2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Waqaar Abdulwahid Abdulnabi
  3. Dr. Shahd Zuhair Atta
  4. Asst. Lect. Wedyan Nahid Khudair