Scientific visit to the State Company for Mining Industries - Xylene and Toluene Production Plant.

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Done By: Chemical Engineering Department

Post Date: 2024-12-07

Last Browse: 2025-03-31

 Within the frame work of enhancing practical understanding for students in the field of chemical engineering, a scientific visit was organized On Tuesday, November 19, 2024, to the General Company for Mining Industries - Xylene and Toluene Production Plant. This visit aims to enrich the academic knowledge of students through hands-on learning and exploring modern production processes. It also seeks to familiarize students with the importance of xylene and its production stages, in addition to introducing them to the equipment used in the xylene and Toluene production process.


The visit witnessed the participation of a group of Second-year students along with the following faculty members: 1. Assistant Professor Dr. Yusur Riyad Abdul Majid, 2. Assistant Professor Dr. Waqar Abdul Wahid Abdul Nabi, 3. Lecturer Dr. Shahd Zahir Ata, and 4. Dr. Lecturer Ikhlas Abdul Rahman Salman. A comprehensive tour of the plant was organized.


At the beginning of the visit, the General Manager of the company, Engineer Haidar Jabar Sajit, welcomed the professors and students and provided them with a detailed explanation and presentation about the General Company for Mining Industries, its factories, and its objectives. They were then transported to the xylene and toluene production plant, where they were met several engineers, including Engineer Sadiq Ismail Hamoud, Engineer Firas Abdul Qadir Younis, and Dr. Adel Al-Sultani, the project designer, who provided a detailed explanation about the production processes and the industrial unit operations within the company. The following points were discussed:

1. Xylene Production Process

   - Explanation of the production stages and how raw materials are transformed into high-quality xylene.

   - Clarification of the main chemical reactions used during the processes.

2. Equipment Used: Students were introduced to a range of essential equipment such as chemical reactors, distillation units, and automated control systems, etc.


3. Importance of Xylene: Dr. Adel presented the significance of xylene in various industries, such as plastic and dye manufacturing, and discussed the practical applications of xylene and its impact on the local and global economy.


The visit included noticeable interaction from the students with Dr. Adel, who answered questions regarding the practical steps and any additional inquiries. This experience was extremely valuable, as it contributed to enhancing the practical understanding of the students and opened new horizons for the students in the field of chemical engineering, introducing them to the reality and importance of the active role of chemical engineers in industrial processes.

To learn more about the State Company for Mining Industries, please visit the following link: