Discussion of the Master's student Sarah Raed Ali - Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering.

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Done By: Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering

Post Date: 2024-08-29

Last Browse: 2024-11-21

Master's student Sarah Raed Ali was discussed regarding her thesis titled:
"Design and Testing Long-Term-Usage Orthoses for Leg Deformity"
on Thursday, August 29th, by the committee formed of the following esteemed professors:

  1. Prof. Dr. Mohsen Jaber Jawij, Chairperson
  2. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Samee Al-Droubi, Member
  3. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ammar Issam Saleh, Member
  4. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Rashid Ismail, Supervisor

The thesis involved designing an adjustable orthotic device that enables gradual correction of knee deformities (such as knock knees or bow legs) using a single device without the need for multiple devices, as is usually the case in such conditions. The frame of the orthotic was designed and manufactured from steel and plastics, with the control mechanism implemented using 3D printing. The orthotic was tested for mechanical durability using multi-slice analysis and was also tested on a patient, with the patient's condition monitored through radiographic and biomechanical examinations. The results showed the orthotic's ability to effectively improve deformities.