Electronic and Communications Engineering Department
Leadership in engineering education in the competence of Electronic and Communications Engineering.
1. Preparation of high level qualified enginners able to complete in solving industrial problems and design and can accomplish the scientific and engineering research.
2. Double the interest in basic and applied scientific research projects particularly that keep pace with scientific and technological devlopments.
3. Emphasis on our alumnus be with quality efficiency of highs and keep contacting even after graduation.
This department aims to:
1. Providing the student with the basic scientific and engineering concepts in the field of specialization, so that the graduate is equipped with the scientific and technical capabilities and competencies that qualify him to engage in the fields of engineering work and keep pace with the rapid progress in the development of modern electronics and communications.
2. Encourage creativity, innovation and excellence and dedicate services in various fields.
3. Improve tne capability of conducting a joint researches within the departments of the national universities and solidate the department identity.
4. Scientific partnership establishment with the corresponding departments outside of Iraq to identify innovations in the era of the educational process, especially in the field of Electronic and Communications engineering and technical support to achieve the benfit of both student and faculaty member.
5. Make continuous efforts to improve the performance and qhality of the teaching staff in the department.