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Done By: Electronic and Communications Engineering Department
Post Date: 2024-09-04
Last Browse: 2024-10-06
Prof. Dr. (Dhirgham Kamal Naji), a faculty member
in the Department of Electronic and Communications Engineering at the College
of Engineering / University of Nahrain, participated in the ministerial
committee for the establishment of a doctoral study specializing in
communications engineering in the Department of Communications Engineering /
University of Technology.
The committee
consisted of professors
Prof. Dr. Adeed
Hassan Saloumi / College of Engineering / Al-Mustansiriya University / Chairman
Prof. Dr. Dhirgham
Kamal Naji / Department of Electronic and Communications Engineering / College
of Engineering / University of Nahrain
Assist. Prof. Dr.
Ghassan Nihad Jawad / Department of Electronic and Communications Engineering /
College of Engineering / University of Baghdad
Assist. Prof. Dr. Aws
Zuhair Younis / College of Electronics Engineering / University of Nineveh
They were received by
the Head of the Communications Department, Assist. Prof. Dr. Afanin Anwar
Abboud. And a group of lecturers in the Department of Communications
The visit included a
field inspection tour to see the most important preparations and available
capabilities of teaching staff, classrooms and department laboratories that the
student needs to complete his studies without obstacles.