Participation of two Academic Staff from the Department of Electronic and Communications Engineering in the membership of a discussion committee for a doctoral student in the College of Information Engineering / Al-Nahrain University

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Done By: Electronic and Communications Engineering Department

Post Date: 2024-07-02

Last Browse: 2024-09-08

The two faculty members in the Department of Electronic and Communications Engineering (Assist. Prof. Dr. Anas Latif Mahmoud) and (Assist. Prof. Dr. Saba Munther Yousef) participated in the discussion committee for the doctoral student (Marwa Halim Gower) from Al-Nahrain University - College of Information Engineering Which took place on Tuesday, 7/2/2024, on her thesis titled:

Composite Right Left Hand Meta Structure-Based for 5G Applications


The discussion committee included:

Prof. Dr. Adeed Hassan Salumi/Al-Mustansiriya University/College of Engineering/Chairman

Prof. Dr. Ali Sadiq Abdul Hadi/Al-Nahrain University/College of Information Engineering/Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Anas Latif Mahmoud / Al-Nahrain University / College of Engineering / Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Asmaa Hamid Majeed/Al-Nahrain University/College of Information Engineering/Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Saba Munther Yousef / Al-Nahrain University / College of Engineering / Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Taha Ahmed Aliwi / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Supervisor

The student has fulfilled the requirements for obtaining a doctoral degree.