Lecture about Natural Gas in Iraq: Economic Importance and Available Technical Capabilities for Its Exploitation

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Done By: Chemical Engineering Department

Post Date: 2024-05-16

Last Browse: 2025-02-17

On the sidelines of the 4th International Conference on Engineering Sciences, Energy, Environment, and Climate Change, the Department of Chemical Engineering held a lecture titled "Natural Gas in Iraq: Economic Importance and Available Technical Capabilities for Its Exploitation."

The lecture was delivered by Dr. Mohammed Abdul Mezeal from the Oil Research and Development Center, Ministry of Oil, on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 12:00 PM.

During the lecture, Dr. Mazal addressed the numerous challenges facing the oil sector in the exploitation of natural gas in Iraq and the future prospects for self-sufficiency. Alongside the lecture, a discussion workshop was conducted, moderated by Associate Professor Dr. Abbas Abdul Karim Mahmoud, focusing on gas emissions resulting from the use of petroleum products and the burning of natural gas and its impact on the environment. Several ideas emerged from the discussion, including:

1.    The Ministry of Environment should set conditions for investing companies during contract signing, such as using modern technologies to reduce emissions from refineries, for example, using Carbon Capture Equipment.

2.    Relying on reputable international companies in the licencing rounds to ensure contracts are awarded to them, aiming for the development of the oil sector and keeping pace with global advancements in this field.

3.    The necessity of exploiting natural gas and associated gas, as they are national resources that can significantly support the country's economy.

4.    Utilizing natural and associated gas in hydrogen production, as it is a clean and abundant source of energy, aligning with the current global trend.

5.    The urgency of completing the exploration of natural gas fields in the expected areas, as delays represent future economic losses.

The lecture received significant attention from the esteemed attendees, including the department's head and faculty members and those from other departments, due to its vital topic related to developing the investment of important resources in our country and achieving its economic prosperity.