Participation of the Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering with Research Outputs and Student Projects in the Fourth Scientific Conference on Engineering Sciences

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Done By: Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering

Post Date: 2024-05-15

Last Browse: 2024-09-08

The Fourth International Conference on Engineering Sciences was held, showcasing a distinguished collection of projects and research outputs from various engineering departments. Notably, the Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering stood out by presenting a series of exceptional research outputs that demonstrated innovation and progress in this field.

These outputs were thoroughly discussed by the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Dr. Haider Abdul Zohd, who praised the efforts and the high research capabilities of the students. The students presented their projects in a concise, distinguished, and clear manner, impressing the attendees and highlighting the quality of education and training they receive.

This conference serves as an important platform for showcasing innovations and scientific research in the engineering field, reflecting the continuous advancement in engineering research and its practical applications in various domains.